Minggu, 26 April 2009


Bright and vividly coloured vegetables are rich in carotenoids, powerful plant pigments that reduce your risk of cancer, heartdisease and cataract. But here is a little-know secret to fully benefit from these disease fighting compounds, you need to eat them with fat. In fact, Ohio State University researchers found that people who ate a salad topped half an avocado absorbed five to ten times more beta-carotene and lutein than those who had salads sans the fatty fruit. And eating avocado wiht salsa boosted the absorption of lycopene by almost five times. "fatty acids are needed to help carotenoids disolve in the intes times" says Dr. Steve Scwartz. " These lipids are also an essential part of creatinglipoproteins, which transport the carotenoids in the blood stream."
Any time you eat colourful vegetables have some fat too.And it doesn't have to be an avocado, 30 gr of chese, two tablespoon of caesar salad dressing will have the same effect.